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The MISSION of JUAN DE DIOS EN LA TIERRA INC. and its multimedia structure is to make visible with a touristic approach, but with a social and humanitarian perspective each one of the trips in the countries, cities, and communities we visit, showing their natural beauties, culture, gastronomy and idiosyncrasy but based on the principle of contributing to the social, economic, educational, spiritual and cultural development etc....

of each one of the populations or families that conform them being their voice before the public and private organisms, before their national compatriots or abroad, and orienting them to achieve between all in fraternal union, the best quality of life of these families and their societies, as well as also of each one of the economic enterprises, especially in the eco-tourism sector, with family businesses and corporations that offer tourism and hotel services for the development of the sector, either nationally or internationally, but that the fundamental principle is the family and its social development for the visit of the tourist.

The VISION of JUAN DE DIOS EN LA TIERRA INC is to become an international reference and leaders in the promotion of marketing for the tourism sector of the different populations that we visit, but with the social and humanitarian perspective of our mission, that the family and its social development is the fundamental axis; because we understand that remote populations with great natural beauty to visit and show, but suffering from deficiencies in their living conditions, in the economic and social in general, cannot correspond to achieve the tourism engine so necessary for their own self development.


INNOVATION: invites us to go beyond the current standards of tourism companies, whether they promote tourism or develop programs for it, we are a symbiosis that questions the processes and protocols currently marked, understanding as a vision that tourism should be self-sustaining, that families, populations and communities are part of the natural landscapes in our countries as the fundamental axis of this, because to achieve tourism there must be a balance in the social, in equal conditions and opportunities for its citizens, so we want to be a reference in the sector as a social and tourism institution that promotes with this vision of the future.

PROACTIVITY: with the objective of being a highly competitive team but with a social vision of helping the populations we visit, we must be able to respond responsibly and effectively, whatever the challenge we face, with high doses of creativity and initiative.

OPTIMISTIC THOUGHT AND FAITH: because we understand that with faith, positive attitude and inclination to social service, is what is needed to face difficulties turning them into challenges and opportunities to grow professionally.

SOCIAL COMMITMENT: this is an intrinsic value that all the members of our company must have, as it makes us feel as our own the mission to act accordingly.


to go beyond our closest realities, having a global perspective of how we and the rest of our partners and collaborators can contribute to achieve the objectives of the Social Plans created to promote tourism and together make our mission a reality.

HUMANITARIAN AND SOCIAL EMPATHY: helps us to relate to each other and understand the human realities of the different communities and families in the countries we visit, as well as the positioning of our partners, clients and sector, in order to act in a more united way in the solutions to achieve common objectives. Self-sustainable tourism is that which knows how to satisfy the present social and general needs of the communities without compromising the needs of future generations.



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